Can TJ Maxx Save Your Life?

This is an easy question to answer. Of course it can. If you know me at all, you know that I love going to TJ Maxx. I love perusing the aisles, looking for a gem that ended up at the Lynchburg store, with an original price tag that reads $399, and a TJ Maxx price of $50. What a deal! I come by my fondness for shopping at TJ Maxx honestly. My mom LOVES this store, and I truly believe it’s part of the reason she is alive today.

Let me share with you a little bit about my mom, Nancy. She is a three time cancer survivor; she is positive, put together and tenacious. And she loves to shop. The thrill of finding something fabulous at TJ Maxx keeps her going back again and again. Because my mom lives in a larger city, she has more than one TJ Maxx from which to choose. Each one has its pluses and minuses with upscale items at this one, and the best jewelry at that one. She knows many of the sales associates by name, and will not hesitate to scour all of her stores looking for a dress you found in a size 2 but need the 4. She will make it her mission to find that dress! That’s the kind of mom she is.

The last time she was diagnosed with cancer, it wasn’t great. She navigated the first two cancers very well. Not to say it was easy, but we knew this time was going to be different. She had major surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. She was very sick. If you’ve had a family member or friend go through cancer treatment, you know it’s tough. It’s both mentally and physically exhausting. You would expect after all of that, Nancy would slow down. Nope. Not at all. She still gets up every day, takes a shower, does her makeup, puts on a carefully coordinated outfit and heads out to TJs. She may or may not buy something that day, but she has somewhere to go that brings her joy and gives her purpose. 

Sometimes on a tough day, I drive over to TJ Maxx to clear my head. I’ll fill up a cart with shoes, perfume, cooking utensils, and various other items I didn’t know I needed. I have been known on more than one occasion to put it all back. My kids will corroborate this; it drives them crazy. Being there makes me feel connected to my mom. Of course it’s not the actual store that is saving Nancy. It’s the act of getting up every day and powering through, even when the odds are stacked against you. It’s finding something that you love, and enjoying it, no matter what the world throws at you. This week, do something just for you. You deserve it. Get a massage, a pedicure, or a long overdue haircut. Cook your favorite meal, sleep in, plan a date night or maybe head over to TJ Maxx- chances are I’ll see you there. 


Time to Head Back to the Nest


Taking Flight