See the Light…Or Not

Typically when we think of references to light, there is a positive connotation. 

Give it the green light

Light at the end of the tunnel

Eyes light up

Lightbulb moment

See the light

Conversely, when we think of references to darkness, it’s negative.

Shot in the dark

In the depths of darkness

Kept in the dark

Under the cover of darkness

Darken your door

One afternoon I was in the car listening to the radio and the DJ started reading horoscopes. On a normal day I would change the channel, but on this day for some reason I was intrigued. I don’t remember all of it, but the last sentence was powerful:

You will find answers in the darkness. Don’t be afraid of it.

As soon as I heard that, I knew I was going to write about it. Because we all have been there. We’ve been in a dark place (pun definitely intended) and thought: why me, why now, why does it have to be so hard? Maybe you’ve been in that tough situation and someone (with good intentions) has said: “everything happens for a reason.” But when you’re knee deep in crazy town, just trying to catch your breath and find a way out, you can’t see the reason. Life seems unfair and unlucky. 

If you are able to change your mindset about the dark times, maybe it won’t seem unfair or unlucky at all. I’m not talking about toxic positivity or pretending that everything is ok. I’m merely suggesting that you can learn from wherever you are in life, even the sad times. Let’s go through some of the answers that you might find in the darkness.

  1. You might realize what you can and can’t handle

  2. You might realize that you are growing and maturing because of the struggles

  3. You might find your breaking point

  4. You will definitely find your support system

  5. You will definitely realize what isn’t working and what you don’t want (that’s half the battle)

  6. You will learn how to cope and you will know what to do when things get tough again; you will be prepared

  7. You will use what you learn to help others; maybe not right away, but one day you will hear yourself giving the same pep talk you heard from someone on your support team or one that you gave to yourself 

Changing your mindset will not happen overnight. Or maybe it will. I have had firsthand experience with someone who one day just snapped themselves out of a funk. But usually it’s an ebb and flow of good days and bad days, happiness and sadness, assurances and regrets. I guess my takeaway from that day in the car is that it’s perfectly normal to have seasons in your life where everything seems downright awful. Don’t shy away from it; maybe sitting in the valley for a bit will lead you up that mountain where you will be able to shout: “I did it, I’m still here, and now I’m ready for anything.”


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