Are You In Shape? (and I don’t just mean physically…)

This same thing happens at the start of every year to a lot of us. We make resolutions for our physical well being and we start to work out. We talk about getting in shape. There’s barely any parking at the gym and all the yoga classes are all full. The morning shows air healthy cooking segments and home exercise equipment is in high demand. But then February rolls around and the workouts are few and far between and the healthy meals don’t taste as good anymore. We head into that late winter slump until the first warm day in March when we realize we might have to wear a sleeveless dress or shorts or God forbid a bathing suit and oh no, why didn’t I just stick with it? This week I’m thinking about getting in shape, but in a different way than you might think.

If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning, you know that I have certainly had my ups and downs in life, but the past two years have been especially challenging. I am sure you all are feeling it too- your mental health isn’t what it used to be. We have all been tested by the pandemic, politics, our finances, and whatever else this crazy world is throwing our way. Maybe you’ve hit your limit on being able to cope with difficult situations. While our patience is wearing thin, our frustration is mounting, and it doesn’t feel good. Is this the year you finally get your mental health in shape? Will you reach out to that friend, doctor, or therapist for the help you know you need? Will you take time for yourself so you can be a better mom or dad, husband or wife, partner or coworker? 

Speaking of finances… this can be a tricky topic in a lot of households. Do you need to get your finances in shape this year? My husband and I started doing our bills together, and talking about our money goals once a month for the past fifteen years or so. We both want to be involved, so it works for us. We hold each other accountable and make decisions together. This may sound like a terrible idea to you, and that’s ok. But if you’re struggling to take control of your spending or savings, or you have questions about retirement or credit cards, you’re in luck. There are so many resources available now. Have heard of NerdWallet? I always direct my kids to this website, and I use it too. (Isn’t the name so great?) It has information on taxes, budgeting, insurance, credit scores, loans, investing- the list goes on. It’s easy to use and full of useful and practical information. 

Our favorite money guru, who we have been following for years, is Suze Orman. She has a no nonsense approach to sharing her insightful and brilliant approach to saving money and being prepared for the unexpected. She is especially passionate about teaching women about money, and how a healthy relationship with money can have a positive impact on our lives.(

Does your house need to get into shape? We usually think of spring cleaning, but when spring rolls around this year, I certainly do not want to be inside cleaning. I’ll be hiking and kayaking of course! I think now is the perfect time to get your house in shape. We all have that place in our house that needs our attention. When we think about it, we let out a groan and dread the thought of even looking at it. Is it your attic? Your pantry? The junk drawer? The basement? When I have a big project to tackle, like cleaning the whole house or organizing my closet, the first thing I do is change my mindset. If you surrender to it, and try to imagine how you’ll feel when you’re done, it’s much easier to get started than if you mope around the house complaining and procrastinating. Maybe you’re the type of person who needs a more structured approach to keeping your home neat and tidy. A few years ago I wrote an article in Centra Virginia HOME magazine about that very topic. I hope it helps those of you who may be struggling to get your house in shape this year. clean

I know this a lot to digest for a Monday morning but I hope it gets your wheels turning and makes you think about what you want out of this year. If you’re not ready for it, no worries! Bookmark this post for a later date. Only you will know when you’re ready to get into shape. 


Friend to the End


Lucky Dog